The best way to spend a Wednesday night?
Playing trivia!
Members of the Academy Spouses' Club met at Wackadoo Brewery on February 21st to see who had the most knowledge ready to go.
Four teams competed in the categories of:
Each round featured twenty questions.
The teams were given a sheet of paper at the beginning of each round to write down their answers.
After each round, the Trivia Master graded how well each team did.
Most teams rocked the Entertainment round... but it turns out that Food was harder than most people imagined.
Do you know what the most rare color of M&M's is? (Turns out it's brown!)
What made the night even more fun is that several members brought along their spouses or a friend.
Those extra brains definitely helped!
Beverages cold be purchased at the bar but all the food was provided by Social Chair Eva Kaskos. She's an amazing cook!
In the end, only one team could win - so CONGRATULATIONS to TEAM CUTE NAME!
Members Jennifer Parris (and her husband), Jessica Frank and Bettina Willis (and her husband) walked away with the prize of a charcuterie board and gift card.